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How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs? Factors & Facts

Raising chickens can be a lot of fun, and they could provide you with plenty of tasty eggs for your breakfast. One of the most common questions we get from new chicken owners is how frequently their chicken will lay eggs. The short answer is that chicken lay eggs several times a week, but it can vary significantly. Keep reading while we look at what factors determine when your chicken lays eggs and how many you can expect to help you be better informed.

The 4 Factors That Affect How Often Chickens Lay Eggs

1. Breed

Easily the biggest factor determining how often your chicken will lay eggs is the breed. Some chickens are more inclined to lay eggs, like the Rhode Island Red, which can lay eggs five or six times a week. In contrast, Silkie and Bantam chickens produce eggs only three or four times per week. Other chickens that lay eggs frequently include the Ameraucana, Barred Plymouth Rock, Dominique, Leghorn, and Partridge Rock chickens that all lay eggs more than four times per week; it will provide you with more food than you can eat.

2. Diet

The food you feed your chickens will have a huge impact on how many eggs it produces. Improper diet is one of the main reasons inexperienced owners don’t get as many eggs as expected. Chickens require plenty of high-quality protein to produce eggs. It also requires plenty of calcium and other nutrients. However, too much supplementation can upset their diet and reduce production. Layer pellets that contain 16% protein along with a calcium supplement will usually provide the chicken with ideal nutrition.

3. Season

The season will have a big impact on how frequently your birds’ lay eggs. They tend to concentrate more on staying warm during the winter months, and you will notice a steep decline in production. Many farmers will use climate control and artificial lighting to keep production going but doing so can be quite expensive even for a small coupe, especially if you live in a colder area.

4. Environment

The final big factor that affects how fast your chicken lays eggs is the environment. A stressful environment filled with noise pollution and dangerous predators will reduce your chicken’s ability to lay eggs efficiently. If you live in a city or near a highway, you can expect to get fewer eggs than someone who lives in the country with no neighbors. Chickens can also sense when the coop is rundown and in need of repair. A broken coop can expose them to danger and will increase their anxiety level, reducing egg production. Placing your nest in a dark area away from roosters and other chickens will help it feel more secure and speed production. Sweet-smelling herbs can also help calm the hen.

Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?

As we mentioned earlier, stress and other factors can cause your chicken to slow down or cease to lay eggs until she feels comfortable. Your chicken might also want a day off, and some free-range chickens will hide their eggs, fooling their owners into thinking they haven’t laid them.

Do Chickens Always Follow the Same Schedule?

Chickens usually follow the same schedule, and it’s closely tied to sunlight. Each species requires so many hours of daylight to produce one egg, so they will be most productive in summer when days are long and least productive during the winter, but the schedule will remain about the same.

Is It Painful for Chicken to Lay Eggs?

There is no evidence that chickens suffer pain while laying eggs unless the egg is larger than normal. In fact, many chickens have a distinctive egg song that they sing when they’re finished.

Do Chickens Run Out of Eggs?

Yes. Chickens are born with all their eggs and cannot create more. Most chickens produce eggs regularly for the first three years before slowing and stopping. While there is no specific number, you can expect most birds to lay between 600 and 1,000 eggs during their lifetime.

Do Chickens Need a Rooster to Lay Eggs

No. Your chicken does not need a rooster to lay eggs. It produces them in response to sunlight. These eggs are unfertilized and will not produce chickens. A rooster is required to fertilize the egg to increase the size of the flock. When not looking to produce offspring, roosters can cause stress for the chickens slowing down egg production.


Chickens can lay eggs several times a week, with some species producing a new egg almost every day. If you want plenty of eggs, the Rhode Island Red is a great choice, but you will need to make sure you feed them a high-quality diet and keep them comfortable with a safe and secure coop that has plenty of room inside for each bird. Doing so will ensure you have plenty of eggs for breakfast with only a slight slowdown during the winter season.We hope you have enjoyed reading over this short guide and found the answers you needed. If we have helped you understand your birds better, please share our look into how often chickens lay eggs on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Theeraphong, Shutterstock
