Dying Light 2 often explores heavy subjects like strenuous family relationships and murder. As Aiden Caldwell, your involvement in these situations can improve or worsen the outcome.
One mission in particular involves suicide. As you leave the Bazaar, a young man by the name of Damien will offer you a side quest. It can be picked up really early in Dying Light 2. The quest is 'Missing Persons.'
Warning: Heavy spoilers for the plot of Dying Light 2 ahead.
Dying Light 2: How to save Damien
Once you have accepted the side quest and followed the instructions, you realize everything isn’t as it seems. By the end, you will have an opportunity to save Damien from committing suicide. After following the instructions, you realize that Damien was trying to set you up. He has been working with bandits and vagabonds. Even worse, it involves the death of several innocent people. According to Damien, it was either that or his brother, Cliff, who will be killed.
But even that isn’t true. Cliff has been working with the same bandits and vagabonds, though they are not responsible for Commander Lucas’s death. Based on his reaction when he finds out, it appears that Damien was not in on the secret. Therefore, Cliff does what he knows best and sends thugs after you.
With the bandits and Cliff dead, Damien has closed himself off in the church situated in the Bazaar. In grief, Damien climbs to the top of the church. You can climb to the top of the church using the ledges and ramps on the side. Once at the top, Damien’s life is in your hands.
You will be given three options: To talk about life, about Damien’s brother, or about not jumping. Speaking with Damien about not jumping or his brother will, unfortunately, lead to Damien ultimately jumping off the top. Instead, talk to him about life.
This will open up two additional options: to say you’ll jump with Damien or to give Damien a message from Carl. While one might think a message from Carl will work, it is actually the former option that works. After selecting that, Roger will arrive shortly after.
Once more, the scene unfolds and two more options appear: to do nothing or interrupt Damien. Select the latter. By interrupting Damien, you will prevent him from admitting his involvement with the thugs. More importantly, you will have saved Damien in Dying Light 2.
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